End-to-end sales enablement to align marketing, accelerate growth and achieve critical branch goals.

Link location intelligence, customer analytics and communication workflows to align sales and marketing with clear goals and consistent campaigns.

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This all-in-one solution helps you measure opportunity, establish sales goals, align marketing and sales enablement, target the right prospects, and personalize the onboarding experience.

Give your institution the BankAccelTM advantage
Now you can provide front-line staff with the tools to execute with a clear understanding of the customer—one that drives equitable sales goals, local marketing campaigns, and intelligent customer-centric prompts—while personalizing sales and onboarding efforts. BankAccel from Pitney Bowes Software is the only solution that drives decisions and action across the entire sales cycle based on common data and a powerful predictive analytic framework.

Set the Right Goals and Incentives

  • Align your bankers goals with the needs of their customers
Prospect the Best Customers
  • Find new prospects that are like your best customers and likely to respond
Deliver Impactful Campaigns
  • Initiate campaigns that drive incremental changes in customer behavior
Guide Customer Interactions
  • Ask the rights questions at the right time
Onboard Customers
  • Lay the groundwork for lifetime customer relationships
Meet Customer Needs
  • Cross-sell based on service product information and customer needs not on product push

Align goals with revenue opportunity
BankAccel delivers the ability to align branch revenue goal setting with market-based reality. By considering the market environment, product potential, competitive environment, and facility characteristics of a branch, you can develop opportunity-based goals. BankAccel has powerful analytic functionality to properly weigh those factors, and to set each branch’s revenue opportunity by evaluating trade area penetration, customer incidence rates, attrition and average balance versus branches in similar situations. With this powerful solution, you gain valuable insight into the market potential, competitive intensity and individual performance of each branch in your network.

Accelerate the growth of customer relationships
Customer data capture is a key part of the onboarding process, and when done correctly, it leads to further customer intimacy and stronger relationships. This is of mutual value to both banks and customers during and after onboarding, as it informs the decision-making process of the front-line staff as they seek to offer customer the right products at the right times of their lives. BankAccel adds a unique dimension to this data capture with innovative customer segmentation solutions that allow banks to create customer profiles that compare and analyze lifestyles and purchase behaviors to optimize marketing strategies and increase sales.

Achieve improved branch performance
To drive sales management and revenue generation, banks must provide front-line staff with the tools to execute on a common understanding of the customer. BankAccel provides one analytic framework that can establish equitable sales goals, drive local marketing campaigns, provide intelligent customer-centric prompts, and personalize the onboarding efforts. With its ability to score customer households with best-next-action algorithms, and the application of product propensity data to target specific customers most likely to be interested in a new product, BankAccel enables front-line staff to take specific actions that deliver higher cross-sell, higher retention rates, and increased customer lifetime value.

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